Hi Bengt,
To convert Digital IO26 PWM to an analog signal you would need a 3rd party converter. I mentioned before a software PWM commanding an opto output driving a capacitor might work.
It looks like you already chose Opto Outputs 0 - 3 (IO144 - IO147) for your Beacon.
Most users use the Aux0 connector for MPGs. The inputs are actually only 3.3V inputs but the firs 8 IOs have 150ohm pull down resistors and if your MPG doesn't drive higher than 3.8V with that load it works fine.
Yes. The MPG control is a software user program so you can use any IO and have any step sizes you wish.
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 1004 |
From: Bengt Sjoelund |
Date: 3/26/2011 |
Subject: Re: Kflop IO26 |
Hi Tom,
Ahh.. Now that you meantion it i remeber, have to look at suitable converter. Regarding Beacon IO144-IO147 that is Kanalog and my mill but now it is my Lathe with only Kflop. Aux0 is OK then, I will use HEDS-5700 ENCODER 2CH 500CPR. These are 5V encoders so I will be using the same level converter I have for the mill (MPG schematics in the mill folder) and just use other IO's.
Cheers Bengt
--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Bengt,
> To convert Digital IO26 PWM to an analog signal you would need a 3rd party
> converter. I mentioned before a software PWM commanding an opto output driving
> a capacitor might work.
> It looks like you already chose Opto Outputs 0 - 3 (IO144 - IO147) for your
> Beacon.
> Most users use the Aux0 connector for MPGs. The inputs are actually only 3.3V
> inputs but the firs 8 IOs have 150ohm pull down resistors and if your MPG
> doesn't drive higher than 3.8V with that load it works fine.
> Yes. The MPG control is a software user program so you can use any IO and have
> any step sizes you wish.
> Regards
> TK
> Â Â Â
> ________________________________
> From: Bengt Sjoelund <cnc@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sat, March 26, 2011 9:48:54 AM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Kflop IO26
> Â
> Hi Tom,
> What do I need to interface IO26 to a VFD 0-10V to achieve proper isolation and
> good signal levels?
> What outputs would I choose to use the Beacon adapter I have described in
> Bengt's Combimill folder?
> Also I am planning to add 2 MPG's one for each axis in my lathe, what I/O's are
> best suited for this?
> Assume that I can use JP4 for selecting X1 X0.1 X.01 X.001 for the use of my
> 'hand wheels' on my lathe when I want to use lathe as 'manual'.
> Cheers
> Bengt